Household Items - Coming Soon!
Broken relationships, corrupt leaders, rebellion, nation rising against nation, injustice, declining faith, financial hardship, God seeming to be distant…
What filled the world of a man named Habakkuk could be today’s front news headline or a page out of your own personal journal. And like Habakkuk does through the pages of Scripture, all of us at some point in our life have probably expressed the sentiment of, “Why” or “How long oh Lord” in response to circumstances that cause us to long for a different picture of what is in front of us. Whether we are grieving through a significant trial or struggling with the seemingly mundane in our lives, the book of Habakkuk invites us to walk the road of biblical lament. This is a path that can turn fear into peace, despair into hope, and confusion into trust. So come and join Habakkuk on this journey of lament, where you can encounter more of God, himself.