2. Take Up the Garments of Glory (Zephaniah Devotional Series)

Last week we entered into the story of Zephaniah and learned that God was bringing judgement not just to the surrounding nations, but to God's people. 

This week we turn to the introduction of the "day of the Lord" and talk about what that means as both a coming day of judgement and salvation. And God had another grievance for His people, in plain language, they wanted to fit in and clothe themselves in worldly attire and attributes rather than be set apart as God's people. They were looking more like the world than the God who choose them.

Instead, God has called His people to put on the beautiful garments of salvation and righteousness, because we are His. And wearing these garments of glory should change everything!

So come, and continue on this journey with Zephaniah. 


3. Where Will You Be Found on the Day of Trouble? (Zephaniah Devotional Series)


1. How Does Your Heart Need to Turn Back To God? (Zephaniah Devotional Series)