6. A Song in the Darkness (Zephaniah Devotional Series)

We can spend our whole lives trying to understand the love of God and never fully grasp it in our limited minds. Paul tells us in the book of Ephesians that it is a love that "surpasses knowledge" (3:19).  In this episode we will see a depiction of God's love that should take our breath away! This is a passage in Zephaniah that describes an ecstatic love and delight poured out from a perfect God onto a sinful people. God's love doesn't always make sense. The only explanation is complete and utter mercy and grace. 

We are in the last episode of our Zephaniah series and if there ever was a climax to a book of the Bible, this is it! Come and join us on this epic conclusion to a book that displays God's justice and love, and ultimately, a picture of the cross. 


5. Restoration is Coming (Zephaniah Devotional Series)