35. What Makes the Bible Trustworthy? With Text and Canon Institute Co-Directors, Dr. Peter Gurry & Dr. John Meade

Have you ever doubted the validity of the Bible?

Today on Abiding free, we have two amazing guests: Dr. John Meade and Dr. Peter Gurry. These brilliant men are Directors of Text and Canon Institute of Phoenix Seminary. They have dedicated their lives to researching and studying the history of God's word to educate and inform others.

If you’ve ever asked the above question or anything of the like, we want you to know you’re not alone. There is no shame in asking hard questions, and through today's episode, Dr. Mead and Dr. Gurry candidly discuss these questions and more.

Friend, you don’t need to be an expert on the Bible to have a relationship with Jesus. Our hope through today’s episode is that you feel encouraged and gain confidence to dive deeper into the Word and become one step closer to abiding in true freedom.

Episode Highlights: 

  • What the Text and Canon Institute is.

  • How word spread about the stories in the Bible.

  • A discussion on certain written books and why they were left out of the Bible.

  • What the Apocrypha is and why they are not included in the Bible.

  • Why we shouldn’t be terrified about concerns raised on what books were chosen from the Bible.

  • How we can rest assured that the English translation is accurate.

Find more on Dr. John Meade Dr. Peter Gurry:

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Contact: abidingfree@gmail.com


36. Your Spouse Will Never Be Enough


34. Peace Like a River